Dillon Barr
A video has a beautiful ability to capture the hearts of those that watch it. I’ve never had the ability, or the time needed, to film, edit and produce a great video. But I’ve felt it. We had one created by one of our contributors that loves what she does and loves our message.
A picture has a beautiful ability to capture awe of those that take it in. I’ve never had the ability, or time needed, to learn and perfect this craft of illustrated art. But I’ve witnessed it, and have seen the reactions, impressions, and comments from our followers of Evan’s amazing illustrative work.
A story has a beautiful ability to capture the minds of those that read and immerse themselves in it. This is an ability I do practice, although not as often as I should in order to perfect this craft. But I’ve got lost in the makings of Matt through the prose section of our comics and the novel he’s creating.
My name is Dillon and I call myself the Fool of Unfound Adventures. I’m not creative, in the sense of the word we tend to accept as Truth. It’s really hard for me to create pictures in my head that are vivid and majestic. That’s why I prefer comics so they can do more of the picture work for me. I don’t know fancy words to use and often have to look up words those around me say as I’m talking to them (I looked up 3 words already when trying to type this out. I’ll let you figure out which ones!).
I most likely use parenthesis wrong and place them in areas of my writing where my internal monologue just has to step in. I am the court jester of most tribes I’m a part of, Unfound being one of them. I am the Fool.
Alan Watts once said the fool is the person who doesn’t know how to come out of the rain. I had an idea about a fantasy world and lessons I could teach in it and I ran with it, out into the rain. I believed in the world and what I could bring others, and I decided to stay wet. I posted about it on YouTube, Slack, Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, and more. For minimal reactions. For months. Years now.
I met others that felt similar, little by little, and some studs that were creatively talented (through hard work, of course) that wanted to create within the world. They made their work, I paid and posted. For minimal reactions. It’s the worst when your socks get wet. But as a fool, you have to learn to laugh.
Watts would continue to talk about the original fools of recorded time being the king’s court jesters. The idiot or crazy person. But over time there became a sophistication to the fool. To not just make people laugh, but to remind the king of his humanity AND mortality, so that he would never get too stuffy.
Here’s why I think we need to bring back the importance of the fool. Why I’m proud to call myself one. For all we know we are only here one time around. And even if we get multiple cracks at it, this is our only time to live this exact life. I like to believe we are here to bring life to ourselves and others through our passions. For some it’s building or creating incredible works of art to show others. For others it’s traveling around the world and learning from different cultures, writing incredible books, or sharing great lessons of their adventures. For others it’s playing a sport, no matter how good they are at it, and bringing people together through it. For others it’s making incredible coffee for people to enjoy and take a break from the monotony.
What it isn’t for us is living unintentionally, or even worse bringing down others that are putting themselves out there passionately. It’s easy to poke holes in what others do, it’s easy to not try from the comfort of your dry home. The only thing I do to get my message out there is decide everyday to go play in the rain.
So ask yourself today: what raincloud are YOU choosing to play under this time around?
© 2023 unfound adventures
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Dillon Barr and Matt Emmorey grew up in southeast Michigan. As much as they love their home state, they were a flight risk. Dillon became pregnant with the ideas for Unfound Adventures in Kenya. They were adopted by Matt in Texas during the pandemic. The two fancy themselves good parents for Joan and the gang, but much of the childhood of this series was raised in virtual spaces, chairlifts, abandoned pools, high ropes courses, and a multitude of states.