The weekly beast
The weekly beast
Are you ready to explore the unfound?
For all of history, Bastunians have been born with a spirit-companion - their Callings...
For all of history, Bastunians have been born with a spirit-companion - their Callings...
But now the god is missing.
For the past 16 years, nobody has recieved a calling and the world has been slipping into ruin. The fate of the world falls on the shoulders of Joan, a teenage No-Beast with a chip on her shoulder and something to prove.
Short stories and books in the Unfound Adventures universe
Callings created for new Bastunians
Copies sold of "Tales of Bastunia" books
Raised for our Mission to nurture creativity to date
Classrooms Visits by the Unfound Guys
Kids taken through our
Imagination Incubator
Which raises the question:
What would your Calling look like?
Your Calling is your spirit-companion, a being that walks beside you throughout life in order to guide you on your Path. There are 3 Paths for Callings (Explorer, Defender, and Builder) and 4 classes within each Path.
Take the quizzes and bring your Calling to life!
What class?
What Path?
Book One:
Enter Joan, a clever but scorned No-Beast. Life is hard for No-Beasts, but worse for Joan, whose father is Bastunia’s greatest beastborn hero. The world has driven a wedge between them, leaving her to fend for herself in this falling world. The scholarly girl’s aggression is mounting. Her anger is threatening to consume her.
Just when it seems things cannot get any harder for Joan, she gets into a back-alley fight defending a friendless schoolmate. In the wake of the fight, her life is forever changed.
Book Two:
Nothing will ever be the same for Joan Daniels. She wouldn't say she loved her old life, but she had gotten used to it. She had found a way to make being a No-Beast work. But now Joan has become the very thing she hates most: a Beastborn. To complicate matters further, this one is no ordinary Calling. This one comes with a history that threatens the safety of the entire world. As Joan struggles to wrap her mind around what has happened, her father takes the lead. Joan quickly begins to wonder if he has her best interests at heart…
Book Three:
Being a beastborn is no joke. Not only has Joan’s mind been invaded by the infant-god, but every time her Calling gets hurt, she shares in the pain. Her father, Bastunia’s most heroic beastborn turned self-appointed mentor, is determined to forge Joan and Monkey’s connection into something special. But before progress can be made, Joan and James must make amends. Overcoming a lifetime of troubled history will not prove easy. So begins a battle of wills that puts Artie in a precarious position. Can they settle their differences before the boy becomes collateral damage?
On its bear-like haunches, Majesty stands a dozen feet tall. It has blindingly white fur; amethyst paw pads, nails, and eyes; a gem-toned nose that colorshifts by its mood, and a great fleecy tail. None would disagree that the beast is fearfully and woefully made. And aptly named...
Name - MAJESTY / Path - Explorer / Class - CLIMBER
real results
"Ginny changed my life. My whole damn life. I simply wouldn't be where I am in my business if not for her."
"Cooper", an 8 year old with PDA (pathological demand avoidance), created this medic-Defender. The bass-beast's presence in Cooper's life gives him confidence to do schoolwork and other challenges. When Cooper is sad, or when someone nearby needs emotional support, the empathetic Calling opens its large mouth and they immediately feel better.
Because of Cooper's condition, he has struggled to connect with his father. One activity they have found to bond over is fishing.
check out this calling's profile!
Our Mission
Some of us got lucky! We had someone who nurtured our creativity as kids. Not everyone does.
find out how to Get involved!
Classroom Feature
Dillon went in to see Mrs. Davis' classroom in May before school let out. Naturally, the kids welcomed a change of pace. They were all very attentive! Thanks to the success of a recently Kickstarter, the Unfound Adventures team is able to sponsor 6 kids from the class to have their Callings professionally illustrated!
Check some of them out above!
discuss self and social awareness in playful, interactive ways
share frameworks for creativity, teaching students how they can publish their own books
explore new ways for kids to bring creativity, imagination, ingenuity, and initiative into their lives
immerse students into the world of bastunia by making them a character and calling
shoutout the classroom in a comic book along with individual recognition for contributing kids
get in touch
Sponsor a classroom inside the unfound store.
we will select from the waitlist which school your sponsorship will apply to. if local, we may be able to sponsor your child's classroom!
The Unfound Adventures team will take it from here!
take a trip to bastunia!
An Unfound Adventure awaits...
Tales of Bastunia is a two-in-one comic book and written story.
For all of history, the god of Bastunia has bestowed upon the people a gift: a spiritual beast-companion that helps them on their life’s Path. In the span of a couple hundred years, they have turned from barbarians into high society. But when the god vanishes, leaving people to find their own way, their civilized world begins to fall apart.
get the books →
Books + Stories
“I love the way these are written. So engaging! Can’t wait for the next one to come out!!”
— J. Fogle, father of 4
Check out ALL the stories in this interactive comic universe.
Tales of Bastunia
How do I design a Calling and have in within the Unfound Universe?
Right here. Using this link you can enter the Design Lab and begin figuring out the best beast for you!
How often do new books and stories come out?
The team is working hard to put out 2 to 3 books per year. The next proiect will be a Book of Beasts where individuals like yourself can have your Calling featured. This campaign will be funded on Kickstarter!
Design a Calling for a loved one, buy them a book, tell your school about our in-person visits, or share the cause with others.
The more we can involve people in the delightful act of creativity and imagination, the better. If you buy them a book, you are sending them into a world where they can choose their own Unfound Adventure.
How many powers do Callings have?
There are 9 powers. Each Calling, with exception to the extremely rare, have 1 of the 9 powers.
This is something you will have to wait and see. Naturally, hybrid gods like Buntu will have a capacity for all 9 power disciplines. But there are other mysteries in the cosmos we don't know about - ancient languages, divine power structures, and more.
Need a little help?
That's what we are here for. The Unfound Adventures team is, if not fully rested from caring for newborn babies, fully caffeinated and ready to guide you toward what is best for you, your family, your students, or whoever you adventure with!