
Under Construction

For years, the law has stated that any new beastborn must be brought in front of the Bureau of Beasts by the child's first birthday. By one's first birthday, the Callings power has revealed itself and their best means of contributing to society can be assessed.  The Bureau considers itself an indispensable institution, stating, "Who could know their Calling's best role in society without us?" 

Builder-Makers are true Builders. Not that they are any better than other Builders, they are just the ones who spend their full time actually creating. They take the materials the world provides them (or they render their own) and they assemble buildings, structures, and other physical improvements. What talented craftsmen! 

As a Maker, you see the world as your canvas. what would YOU choose to have your beast build? Skyscrapers in a big city like Metropolia? Vintage castles in Main City? Pueblo stucco in No Wasteland? The popular lean-tos of Base Camp? Or would your beast build artistic structures that merely serve to express your creative gifts? Do you partake in the All Build to gain the recognition of your peers or do you choose to create for your own joy? 
What type of building materials do you prefer? Would your beast create using the available resources on hand like timber, stones, and mud? Or would you create your own materials using the minerals of Bastunia? The world is filled with colorful organics that could be used in dyes and stains…Would your beast experiment with all the wonderful ingredients the god has given you to work with? 

Are you a wandering artist, content to create alone? Or are your projects great endeavors that require many hands on deck?  

The words you live by:



Leave it better than I found it. 

Builder-Breakers are very necessary. Nothing can be built before a Breaker reshapes raw material into its most useful forms. Also, when something needs to be demolished, this type is well equipped. As much as Breakers form the building blocks of society, they themselves could be considered building blocks, as well. 

What would your role be as a Breaker? Your job is key no matter what you choose to do. A lot of Breakers are the old miners of the mountain. They are in charge of cultivating the minerals used in Bastunia as currency. This is a backbreaking, strenuous job even for a beast, without which the world would not have a financial system to use for trade. If not mining, you might demolish broken down structures, trench into the earth in the creation of a canal, or disassemble the creations after the annual All Build. A Breaker might also take the long-view, harvesting a forest while setting it up to be grown anew. 

Where would you live in Bastunia? Most Miners live in the north, and have adopted the dispensations of the Earth Temple. Miners congregate near the Earth Temple, outside of Metropolia and Main City, and in the foothills of the Great Mountain. Many others are scattered sparingly across small villages, taking on the local Builder contract. The few go where they are called, to the far-reaches of Bastunia like Nowaste Land or to a private job somewhere hidden in the Jungian forest. 
Do you prefer the rural, isolated life or the act of breaking ground on the next urban sprawl? 

The words you live by: 



Out with the old and in with the new.

The world would collapse without Builder-Supporters. They are the ones that keep it all going. They are the right-hand men and women, the project managers, the linear-thinkers. Whatever resource is needed to bring a project to completion, Supporters make sure it is there.

What would you do as a Supporter? Supporter beasts are key to help others get stuff done. Does your beast create the materials needed for the Makers to finalize a project? Things like stains, dyes, or other coloration? Craftsmen of ropes, stucco, puddies, spikes, rivets, and another refined material are common Supporters. Your beast could be the one to lend a helping hand, or claw, or beak, or…potbelly gut-furnace that you use for smelting ores. Supporters who enjoy the simple life might take to farming, gardening, or running a shop.

Where would you offer your support? Would you prefer to be around the famous Builders of Metropolia? Or are you more suited for work on a tight-knit team in Main City or the small towns? Life in No Wasteland, in the arid Thornerie Desert, would provide opportunities to construct unique cave-dwellings, outposts, arenas, and pueblos, or to upkeep the Coliseum. Working for Defenders could mean running a blacksmithy, forging weapons. Working in Base Camp for Explorers could mean building ladders, ropes, and the bodily apparati used in scaling the cloud-spearing mountains. Anywhere there are people doing things, you will be needed to help them do it. 

Only by being a magnate of commodities can one be a solo supporter. Most are attached to larger outfits, working in teams. 

The words you live by: 


What you need, when you need it. 


Builder-Strategists may not be in the dirt doing the actual work, but they are often the architects, the politicians, the seers, and in general, the people who have organized the great endeavor that others have been inspired by! Think Queen-bees, great visionaries whose imaginations change the world around them.

What role do you play in Bastunia? The only size that matters to a strategist is the size of your vision. Your beast might be small or large, it might be colorful or colorless, but regardless, it will have an air of authority about it. As a Strategist, one plus one equals far greater than two. You might puzzle together a team of Makers with like-minded vision to plan and coordinate the infrastructure of a new city. You might host the great All Build every year. If you had a friendly, vibrant, charismatic Calling, you might become a politician with many strategic relationships. Whether running a local government, a tournament, a guild, or a revolution, many people rely on your insight and good judgment. 

Where do you work and live? Do you do your work in an urban environment like Metropolia, Main City, Base Camp, or No Wasteland? Or do you prefer the more intimate partnerships and rivalries of a small village? Perhaps existing settlements are not for you, and your fixation is on locating the right family of Bastunians to fashion a commune in the isolation of the Jungian Forest? 
A Strategist is magnified by their relationships, but many a great plan has been envisioned and carried out by a single individual. Which do you prefer? 

The words you live by: 


I have destiny in my eye and in my hand, a well-laid plan! 



Builder-Makers are true Builders. Not that they are any better than other Builders, they are just the ones who spend their full time actually creating. They take the materials the world provides them (or they render their own) and they assemble buildings, structures, and other physical improvements. What talented craftsmen! 

As a Maker, you see the world as your canvas. what would YOU choose to have your beast build? Skyscrapers in a big city like Metropolia? Vintage castles in Main City? Pueblo stucco in No Wasteland? The popular lean-tos of Base Camp? Or would your beast build artistic structures that merely serve to express your creative gifts? Do you partake in the All Build to gain the recognition of your peers or do you choose to create for your own joy? 
What type of building materials do you prefer? Would your beast create using the available resources on hand like timber, stones, and mud? Or would you create your own materials using the minerals of Bastunia? The world is filled with colorful organics that could be used in dyes and stains…Would your beast experiment with all the wonderful ingredients the god has given you to work with? 

Are you a wandering artist, content to create alone? Or are your projects great endeavors that require many hands on deck?  

The words you live by:




Builder-Makers are true Builders. Not that they are any better than other Builders, they are just the ones who spend their full time actually creating. They take the materials the world provides them (or they render their own) and they assemble buildings, structures, and other physical improvements. What talented craftsmen! 

As a Maker you see the world as your canvas, so what would YOU choose to have your beast build? Skyscrapers in a big city like Metropolia? Vintage castles in Main City? Pueblo stucco in No Wasteland? The popular lean-tos of Base Camp? Or would your beast build artistic structures that merely serve to express your creative gifts? Do you partake in the All Build to gain the recognition of your peers or do you choose to create for your own joy? 
What type of building materials do you prefer? Would your beast create using the available resources on hand like timber, stones, and mud? Or would you create your own materials using the minerals of Bastunia? The world is filled with colorful organics that could be used in dyes and stains…Would your beast experiment with all the wonderful ingredients the god has given you to work with? 

Are you a wandering artist, content to create alone? Or are your projects great endeavors that require many hands on deck?  

The words you live by:
Leave it better than I found it. 





An Unfound Adventure awaits...

Tales of Bastunia

Tales of Bastunia is a two-in-one comic book and written story.

For all of history, the god of Bastunia has bestowed upon the people a gift: a spiritual beast-companion that helps them on their life’s Path. In the span of a couple hundred years, they have turned from barbarians into high society. But when the god vanishes, leaving people to find their own way, their civilized world begins to fall apart.

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Books + Stories 

“I love the way these are written. So engaging! Can’t wait for the next one to come out!!”

— J. Fogle, father of 4

Book One:

"Joan's Calling"

Enter Joan, a clever but scorned No-Beast. Life is hard for No-Beasts, but worse for Joan, whose father is Bastunia’s greatest beastborn hero. The world has driven a wedge between them, leaving her to fend for herself in this falling world. The scholarly girl’s aggression is mounting. Her anger is threatening to consume her.

Just when it seems things cannot get any harder for Joan, she gets into a back-alley fight defending a friendless schoolmate. In the wake of the fight, her life is forever changed.

Book Two:

"The return"

Nothing will ever be the same for Joan Daniels. She wouldn't say she loved her old life, but she had gotten used to it. She had found a way to make being a No-Beast work. But now Joan has become the very thing she hates most: a Beastborn. To complicate matters further, this one is no ordinary Calling. This one comes with a history that threatens the safety of the entire world. As Joan struggles to wrap her mind around what has happened, her father takes the lead. Joan quickly begins to wonder if he has her best interests at heart…

Immerse yourself into the world of Bastunia now!

Check out ALL the stories in this interactive comic universe. 

Tales of Bastunia

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I design a Calling and have in within the Unfound Universe? 

Right here. Using this link you can enter the Design Lab and begin figuring out the best beast for you! 

How often do new books and stories come out? 

The team is working hard to put out 2 to 3 books per year. The next proiect will be a Book of Beasts where individuals like yourself can have your Calling featured. This campaign will be funded on Kickstarter! 

How can I best support the mission? 

Design a Calling for a loved one, buy them a book, tell your school about our in-person visits, or share the cause with others. 

The more we can involve people in the delightful act of creativity and imagination, the better. If you buy them a book, you are sending them into a world where they can choose their own Unfound Adventure. 

How many powers do Callings have? 

There are 9 powers. Each Calling, with exception to the extremely rare, have 1 of the 9 powers. 

What are Buntu's powers?

This is something you will have to wait and see. Naturally, hybrid gods like Buntu will have a capacity for all 9 power disciplines. But there are other mysteries in the cosmos we don't know about - ancient languages, divine power structures, and more. 



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